The Council

Museum Volunteers Dedicated to the Art of Making a Difference and Serving VMFA  since 1955


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Council Members:  .

A new Observation Reports document is posted on the Gallery Care Assistants Committee page.

A photo album from the Connect and Learn Lecture VMFA Exhibitions: How they are selected and why do they always look so good? has been added.

Tour Guide Training lecture from January 27 is available on the Member Info page. Please note: do not share the lecture link with non-Council members.

The Council of Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is a group of dedicated VMFA members who give their time and talent in support of the Museum. This diverse organization of women and men volunteer throughout the Museum and work on behalf of VMFA to enhance community outreach and participation. 

The Council provides a variety of volunteer opportunities that range from interacting with visitors to supporting educational programs and helping care for the galleries. Council members learn about the collections, make new friends and share their love for the arts, all while helping to support and improve a cultural institution that enriches the lives of the citizens of Virginia.

The Council of VMFA has been an important resource for the Museum since its early years. It led the way in 
opening the VMFA 
Shop, establishing the docent program, and organizing Museum travel, as well as providing seed money for the library. The Council continues to provide volunteer assistance in many areas of the Museum’s operations. Council members also develop and implement fundraising events, including the highly successful Fine Arts & Flowers, which currently supports VMFA exhibitions and in the past has supported other efforts such as the FabergĂ© exhibit and the Artmobile.

For more information on The Council:

  • Click here for The Council's Purpose, Vision, and Core Values
  • Click here for a complete list of The Council of VMFA volunteer opportunities
  • Click the Volunteers in Action tab above to learn about some of the volunteer services performed by VMFA Council members.


The Council provides volunteer assistance in many areas of the Museum's operations. Being an art expert is not a requirement to volunteer at the Museum. The Council volunteers support VMFA with their time, talents, and love of art. Council members must be a member of the Museum and are also expected to contribute their time on a regular basis.


To visit the museum's web site, click Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


The Council of VMFA, 200 N. Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23220

Tel: 804.340.1591

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